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Court Record Searches

When one thinks of the words background check, what comes to mind? Criminal Records! We have found that not everyone understands the methods available to research court records or where to start. A common misconception being the use of name and social security number. Did you know that most court record searches are name based?  From there additional identifiers such as social security number, date of birth, address, etc. can be used.  Recently, many courts have redacted the social security number from their public files due to identity theft, making it very important that you obtain additional identifiers from your candidate.

There is no magic 8 ball that can clear a candidate or list all criminal records associated with them. Luckily, our service offers an array of court record searches that allows you to conduct a comprehensive search and consider the facts of each candidate before making your final hiring decision.

County Criminal Record Search

County Criminal Record Searches are available in each county throughout the U.S.

These searches are used to determine if a candidate may have a felony or misdemeanor criminal case within the last seven years. Records may be retrieved beyond the seven year scope if requested – applicable state and federal law apply.

Since most felonies and misdemeanors originate at the county level, county criminal records searches ensure your reports reveal the most accurate and up to date information available.
Completed reports consist of only reportable information. Information may include dates of arrest and filing, charges, level of charges, disposition date, final disposition and any applicable sentence or penalty.

Available in single county or 7-year unlimited search scopes. Jurisdictions are populated by the address history revealed using the Social Security Address Trace Report.

Best practices dictate conducting a search in all counties under all names uncovered by the Social Security Address Trace Report within the past seven years.

Statewide Criminal Record Search

Statewide Criminal Searches provide our clients with a broader search range by utilizing true state repositories which archive criminal records reported from the county courthouse levels. Statewide searches allow us to look beyond the county of residence and potentially locate additional criminal records.

Best practices dictate conducting a Statewide Criminal Search in addition to the 7-year county criminal record search as not all counties are required to report to the state repository.  Additionally, recent convictions may not be available immediately due to reporting times from county to state.

National Criminal Database Search

The National Criminal Database Search is a powerful, multi-jurisdictional search consisting of millions of records from multiple sources across the country, including but not limited to: state and county court records, Department of Corrections (DOC), Administration of the Court (AOC), state sex offender registries and our Global Report database which includes Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Office of the Inspector General (OIG),General Services Administration (GSA), System for Award Management (SAM) and many other sources. This search allows employers to cast a wider net and potentially locate additional criminal records that would otherwise be left unfound.

To ensure FCRA compliance, all records located will automatically initiate a direct source search within the jurisdiction of origin to validate the record and ensure the most accurate information is reported.

Best practice dictates conducting a National Criminal Database Search in addition to the 7-year county criminal record search.

Federal District Criminal Record Search

Federal District Criminal Searches are available in all 94 federal districts throughout the U.S. This search identifies convictions for federal crimes such as kidnapping, bank robbery, fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, counterfeiting, crimes that cross state boarders, etc.

Best practice dictates conducting a federal search in all districts revealed by the Social Security Address Trace Report with the past seven years.

Sex Offender Registry Search

The Sex Offender Registry Search is a single source search accessing all individual state sex offender registries. This search provides information on sex offenders that are required to register within their state as sexual/violent offenders.

County Civil Record Search

County Civil Searches are used to identify noncriminal suits filed by individuals or corporations, such as product-liability suits, local civil-rights violations, judgments for nonpayment of goods, and litigation related to divorce, marriage, or child custody. Most states divide records into lower and upper courts based on the monetary amount of the claim.