Motor Vehicle Records

Safety is key! Placing someone to drive on company time can be risky.  Reviewing their personal and professional driving history will give you insight as to how safe or reckless they are as a driver.

Background Screeners of America® offers the following services you assist you in making informative hiring decisions:

Motor Vehicle Record Search

A Motor Vehicle Record Search is available in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia and searches information compiled from an individual state’s Department of Motor Vehicles.  Reports generally access 3-7 years of license data, depending upon the state, and may include information such as: license status, suspensions, revocations, moving violations, DUIs, point accumulation, chargeable accidents, court appearances and departmental actions.

CDLIS (Commercial Driver’s License Information System)

The CDLIS accesses the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators database to ensure single license issuance nationwide. This search enables employers to comply with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requirements and helps eliminate a candidate who does not hold a valid Commercial Driver’s license. The results provide name, date of birth, social security number match, alias name information, present jurisdictional state, license number and up to three previously held CDL numbers.

PSP (Pre-Employment Screening Program) Crash Inspection Report

The PSP Crash Inspection Report is obtained from data submitted to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) which is stored in the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) database and consists of crash and roadside inspection data. The PSP Crash Inspection report will reveal a driver’s 5-year crash history and 3 year roadside inspection information including all serious safety violations that are cited during an inspection.  This report does not include conviction information as would a Motor Vehicle Report.

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